9. Hot water is supplied by both tank and tankless Units. The tank system is used primarily during emergency situations when power is derived from a generator on-site.
Below are the Test Results taken on 10 January 2022 of the water quality both BEFORE and AFTER passing through the Kinetico Treatment System
pH 7.0 7.1 up 1.5% 5.5 - 8.5
Alkilinity (ppm) 276 273 down 1% 30 - 400 PPM
Hardness (grains per gallon) 14.8 (250 ppm) 12.7 (215 ppm) down 14% 100-300 PPM
Iron (Total) mg/L 1.1 0.6 down 45% < 0.3 mg/L
Ferrous (Invisible, soluble) 1.0 0.5 down 50% < 0.1
Ferric (visible, insoluble) 0.1 0.1 unchanged
Copper 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
Below is the Test Result of the Irrigation System Well water taken on 10 January 2022
pH 7.2
Alkilinity (ppm) 271
Hardness (grains per gallon) 5.0 (83 ppm)
Iron (Total) mg/L 7.8
Ferrous (Invisible, soluble) 7.4
Ferric (visible, insoluble) 0.4
Copper 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0